After consultation with the Ministry of Health and other organisations, we are excited to announce that we can still safely go ahead with this weekend’s trail ride, while we adhere to the government’s Level 2 Guidelines.
This means we’ve had to make some adjustments to how it will be run this year so please have a read through the following guidelines/changes that have been put in place so that the event can safely proceed this weekend under Level 2, ensuring that we are keeping all our riders and volunteers as safe as possible.
Please bring your own food and drink, the food tent will not be operating over the weekend.
When you arrive you will be directed into a carpark. Carparks will hold up to but no more than 100 riders. When you arrive in your allocated car park please scan in using the Covid Tracer App, each car park will have it’s own code.
This is your base for the day when you are not out on the trails. Each car park will have its own toilet.
If you want to be in the same car park as mates but are coming in different vehicles we would suggest you meet before coming up Balruddery Road. When you come down the road you will register and be allocated your car park from here.
You are not allowed to mingle in other car park areas on site. Please stick to your own.
Please bring a mask or a face covering that you can wear when you are registering.
There will be no Peewee track this year sorry. We will adjust our junior track to ensure that it is an easier ride for those that are confident enough on their bikes. Please note that children on this track will still need to be supervised by someone that is 15+ years of age.
We will keep an eye on updates throughout the week and if we do go to Level 1 we may be able to bring it back for Sunday, we will have to play it by ear. Please check back on our Facebook page for any announcements.
Riders only are to attend this year please, no spectators.
You will be given a hand out when you arrive which will go through these guidelines again for you and also include any further information that you will need to know..
Please note that should the national Covid situation change then we will reassess our event as per the guidelines.
We realise that it’s not how our trail ride usually is and we are sorry about that, but these are unprecedented times and we have done our best to ensure that the ride can go ahead under level 2. Thank you for your cooperation and patience.